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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

The first english Issue of PET (our Python Magazine) is out!

Hell yeah! It has been a lot of work but it's out at http://re­

Some ar­ti­cles:

  • PyAr, The His­­to­ry

  • from gc im­­port com­­mon­sense - Fin­ish Him!

  • Pain­­less Con­cur­ren­­cy: The mul­ti­pro­cess­ing Mod­­ule

  • In­­tro­­duc­­tion to Unit Test­ing with Python

  • Taint Mode in Python

  • Ap­­plied Dy­­namism

  • Dec­o­rat­ing code (Part 1)

  • We­b2Py for Ev­ery­­body

It's avail­able in pret­ty much ev­ery for­mat any­one can read, and if your favourite is not there, we will make it for you or may I be smote by the fly­ing spaghet­ti mon­ster's nood­ly ap­pendage!

AFAIK there is no oth­er Python mag­a­zine be­ing pub­lished (feel free to cor­rect me), so it's kind of a big thing for us in PyAr (the Ar­genti­na Python com­mu­ni­ty) that we are do­ing one, and in two lan­guages.

But why stop here? Want it to be avail­able in your lan­guage? Con­tact us at re­vistap­yar@net­man­ager­s.­ it may be doable!

And of course, very soon there will be a call for ar­ti­cles for Is­sue 2, and trust me: that one's go­ing to be epic: this one was just a warmup.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina