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Nikola 5.4 is out!

I am th­ri­lled to an­noun­ce the re­lea­se of ver­sion 5.4 of Niko­la, a sta­tic si­te/­blog ge­ne­ra­tor

He­re's the (in­com­ple­te!) chan­ge­log for this re­lea­se [1]:


  • Twi­­tter Card / Open Gra­­ph su­­ppo­r­­t.

  • Smart ma­­th su­­pport

  • New soun­­dcould di­­re­c­­ti­­ve

  • Cus­­tom "read mo­­­re" li­nks

  • Be­­­tter ti­­me dis­­pla­­y, ti­­me­­zo­­­ne su­­pport

  • Be­­­tter doit in­­te­­gra­­tion (Is­­sue #151)

  • Make the who­­­le lis­­tings fo­l­­der bro­­ws­a­­ble (Is­­sue #128)

  • New GZI­­P_­­FI­­LE­S/­G­­ZI­­P_EX­­TEN­­SIONS op­­tions to crea­­te gzi­­pped co­­­pies of so­­­me fi­­les (Is­­sue #348)

  • New op­­tio­­­nal pa­­th pa­­ra­­me­­ter to new_­­post co­­­m­­man­­d.

  • Wo­r­­dpress im­­po­r­­te­­r: op­­tion to not do­­wn­­load fi­­les

  • Wo­r­­dpress im­­po­r­­te­­r: op­­tion to squash new­­li­­nes

  • Se­­pa­­ra­ted BLO­­­G_URL in­­to SI­­TE_URL and BA­SE_URL

  • Added DI­S­A­­BLE­­D_­­PLU­­GINS op­­tion (Is­­sue #354)


  • Added mis­­sing </­­di­­v> in de­­fault the­­me te­m­­pla­­tes.

  • Wo­r­­dpress im­­po­r­­t: Des­­cri­p­­tion is le­­ft em­p­­ty if no des­­cri­p­­tion is foun­­d.

  • When run­­ning the build co­­­m­­mand it is now po­­s­­si­­ble to get he­l­­p.

  • Load jQue­­ry be­­­fo­­­re boots­­trap in JS bun­d­­le (Is­­sue #327)

  • Ge­­ne­­ra­­te va­­lid HT­­M­­L5 for re­­di­­re­c­­ts (Is­­sue #276)

  • Fixed "niko­­­la che­­ck"

  • Fixed in­­te­r­­na­­tio­­­na­­li­­zed RSS li­nks

  • Make co­­­m­­man­­ds that need to be run in a si­­te fail gra­­ce­­fu­­lly (Is­­sue #342)

  • Use lo­­­ca­­li­­zed li­nks on lx­­ml fixer

  • Re­­di­­re­c­­tions created du­­ring the im­­port from wo­r­­dpress are now wri­­tten to co­n­­f.­­py

  • Stop pa­r­­sing me­­ta­­da­­ta in post fi­­le on first blank li­­ne

  • Me­­ta­­da­­ta han­d­­ling clea­­nups by To­r­­dek

  • Fixed blo­­­ck­­quo­­­te font si­­ze in­­co­n­­sis­­ten­­cy

  • Wo­r­­dpress Im­­po­r­­t: Do not break in­­den­­ta­­tion (is­­sue #189)

  • Make things wo­­­rk even if SI­­TE_URL has a pa­­th (Fix #307)

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