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Publicaciones sobre python

A Tale of Optimization

I reim­ple­ment­ed Pyg­ments in Crys­tal. It did­n't quite go as I ex­pect­ed. I have al­ready writ­ten about how I did it but that left a large part of the sto­ry un­told. You see, I am us­ing Crys­tal, which com­piles to na­tive code. And yet my reim­ple­men­ta­tion was slow­er than Python. That's not sup­posed to hap­pen.

I de­cid­ed to fig­ure out why, and fix it. This is the sto­ry of how I made my soft­ware that looked "ok" 30x faster. Mind you, this is go­ing to make me sound much smarter and ac­cu­rate than I am. I ran in­to 200 dead ends be­fore find­ing each im­prove­men­t.

The First Problem (v0.1.0)

Command Mean [ms] Min [ms] Max [ms] Relative
bin/tartrazine ../crycco/src/ swapoff > x.html --standalone 533.8 ± 4.4 523.7 542.9 18.80 ± 0.92
chroma ../crycco/src/ -l crystal -f html -s swapoff > x.html 28.4 ± 1.4 25.6 32.8 1.00
pygmentize ../crycco/src/ -l crystal -O full,style=autumn -f html -o x.html 103.5 ± 2.8 95.6 109.1 3.65 ± 0.20

That bench­mark (like all the rest) is done us­ing hy­per­fine and run­ning each com­mand 50 times af­ter a 10-run warmup. Not that it needs so much care, just look at those num­ber­s. Not on­ly is tar­trazine al­most 20 times slow­er than chro­ma, it's al­so 3.5 times slow­er than Pyg­ments. And Pyg­ments is writ­ten in Python!

Even with­out com­par­ing, half a sec­ond to high­light a 100-­line file is ridicu­lous.

What's going on here? To find out, let's get data. I used callgrind to profile the code, and then kcachegrind to visualize it.

$ valgrind --tool=callgrind bin/tartrazine ../crycco/src/ swapoff

Some functions called half a billion times

As you can see, some func­tions are called half a bil­lion times and ac­count for 40% of the ex­e­cu­tion time. What are they?

A string in Crystal is always unicode. The String::char_bytesize_at function is used to convert an offset into the string from characters to bytes. That's because unicode characters can be different "widths" in bytes. So in the string "123" the "3" is the 3rd byte, but in "áéí" the "í" starts in the 5th byte.

And why is it do­ing that? Be­cause this code does a bazil­lion regex op­er­a­tions, and the un­der­ly­ing li­brary (PCRE2) deals in bytes, not char­ac­ter­s, so ev­ery­time we need to do things like "match this regex in­to this string start­ing in the 9th po­si­tion" we need to con­vert that off­set to bytes, and then when it finds a match at byte X we need to con­vert that off­set to char­ac­ters and to ex­tract the da­ta we do it two more times, and so on.

I decided to ... not do that. One nice thing of Crystal is that even though it's compiled, the whole standard library is there in /usr/lib/crystal so I could just go and read how the regular expression code was implemented and see what to do.

Ended up writing a version of Regex and Regex.match that worked on bytes, and made my code deal with bytes instead of characters. I only needed to convert into strings when I had already generated a token, rather than in the thousands of failed attempts to generate it.

The Second Problem (commit 0626c86)

Command Mean [ms] Min [ms] Max [ms] Relative
bin/tartrazine ../crycco/src/ -f html -t swapoff -o x.html --standalone 187.8 ± 4.4 183.2 204.1 7.48 ± 0.30
chroma ../crycco/src/ -l crystal -f html -s swapoff > x.html 25.1 ± 0.8 23.6 28.5 1.00
pygmentize ../crycco/src/ -l crystal -O full,style=autumn -f html -o x.html 89.9 ± 4.7 83.6 102.1 3.58 ± 0.22

While bet­ter this still suck­s. I made it 2.5 times faster, but it's still 7.5 times slow­er than chro­ma, and 3.6x slow­er than Python???

regex library takes all the time

Back to val­grind. This time, the pro­file was ... dif­fer­en­t. The regex li­brary was tak­ing al­most all the ex­e­cu­tion time, which makes sense, since it's do­ing all the work. But why is it so slow?

It's calling valid_utf8 ALL THE TIME?

Almost all the time is spent in valid_utf8. That's a function that checks if a string is valid UTF-8. And it's called all the time. Why? Because the regex library is written in C, and it doesn't know that the strings it's working with are already valid UTF-8. So, it checks. And checks. And checks.

Solution? Let's not do that either. The PCRE2 library has a handy flag called NO_UTF_CHECK just for that. So, if you pass that flag when you are doing a regex match, it will not call valid_utf8 at all!

The Third Problem (commit 7db8fdc)

Command Mean [ms] Min [ms] Max [ms] Relative
bin/tartrazine ../crycco/src/ -f html -t swapoff -o x.html --standalone 30.0 ± 2.2 25.5 36.6 1.15 ± 0.10
chroma ../crycco/src/ -l crystal -f html -s swapoff > x.html 26.0 ± 1.0 24.1 29.2 1.00
pygmentize ../crycco/src/ -l crystal -O full,style=autumn -f html -o x.html 96.3 ± 7.7 86.1 125.3 3.70 ± 0.33

Yay! My com­piled pro­gram is fi­nal­ly faster than an in­ter­pret­ed one! And even in the same ball­park as the oth­er com­piled one!

I won­der what hap­pens with a larg­er file!

Command Mean [ms] Min [ms] Max [ms] Relative
bin/tartrazine /usr/include/sqlite3.h -f html -t swapoff -o x.html --standalone -l c 896.6 ± 71.6 709.6 1015.8 7.07 ± 0.58
chroma /usr/include/sqlite3.h -l c -f html -s swapoff > x.html 126.8 ± 2.1 122.8 132.9 1.00
pygmentize /usr/include/sqlite3.h -l c -O full,style=autumn -f html -o x.html 229.1 ± 4.5 219.5 238.9 1.81 ± 0.05

Clear­ly some­thing very bad hap­pens when my code pro­cess­es larg­er files. I won­der what it is?

That's rather low level

At first glance this is not very informative. So, most of the execution time is spent in libgc and libc functions. That's not very helpful. But, if you look a bit harder, you'll see the execution time is spent allocating memory. Hundreds of milliseconds spent allocating memory

But memory is fast!

Yes, memory is fast. But allocating it is not. And I was allocating a lot of memory. Or rather, I was allocating memory over and over. See that memcpy there?

This took me about a day to fig­ure out, but this line of code is where ev­ery­thing be­came slow.

matched, new_pos, new_tokens = rule.match(text_bytes, pos, self)
if matched
    # Move position forward, save the tokens,
    # tokenize from the new position
    pos = new_pos
    tokens += new_tokens

That looks innocent, right? It's not. The tokens array is created at the beginning of tokenization, and every time I find new tokens I just append them to it. BUT ... how does that work? Arrays are not infinite! Where does it put the new tokens?

Well, when an ar­ray grows, it al­lo­cates a new, larg­er ar­ray, copies all the el­e­ments there and now you have a larg­er ar­ray with some room to spare. When you keep do­ing that, you are copy­ing the whole ar­ray over and over. It's the cost you pay for the con­ve­nience of hav­ing an ar­ray that can grow.

Where was I call­ing this? In the for­mat­ter. The for­mat­ter needs to see the to­kens to turn them in­to HTM­L. Here's the rel­e­vant code:

lines = lexer.group_tokens_in_lines(lexer.tokenize(text))

All it does is group them in­to lines (BTW, that again does the whole "grow an ar­ray" thing) and then it just it­er­ates the lines, then the to­kens in each line, slaps some HTML around them and writes them to a string (which again, grows).

The so­lu­tion is ... not to do that.

In Crys­tal we have it­er­a­tors, so I changed the to­k­eniz­er so that rather than re­turn­ing an ar­ray of to­kens it's an it­er­a­tor which gen­er­ates them one af­ter the oth­er. So the for­mat­ter looks more like this:

tokenizer.each do |token|
    outp << "<span class=\"#{get_css_class(token[:type])}\">#{HTML.escape(token[:value])}</span>"
    if token[:value].ends_with? "\n"
    i += 1
    outp << line_label(i) if line_numbers?

Rather than iterate an array, it iterates ... an iterator. So no tokens array in the middle. Instead of grouping them into lines, spit out a line label after every newline character (yes, this is a bit more complicated under the hood)

There were sev­er­al oth­er op­ti­miza­tions but this is the one that made the dif­fer­ence.

The Fourth Problem (commit ae03e46)

Command Mean [ms] Min [ms] Max [ms] Relative
bin/tartrazine /usr/include/sqlite3.h -f html -t swapoff -o x.html --standalone -l c 73.5 ± 5.9 67.7 104.8 1.00
chroma /usr/include/sqlite3.h -l c -f html -s swapoff > x.html 123.1 ± 2.7 117.5 130.3 1.68 ± 0.14
pygmentize /usr/include/sqlite3.h -l c -O full,style=autumn -f html -o x.html 222.0 ± 5.9 207.8 239.4 3.02 ± 0.26

Fi­nal­ly, tar­trazine is the fastest one. On a large file! By a good margin! But is that all there is? Is there noth­ing else to im­prove? Well, no. I can do the same trick again!

You see, the formatter is returning a String by appending to it, and then we are writing the string to a file. That's the same problem as before!. So, I changed the formatter to take an IO object and write to it directly.

Command Mean [ms] Min [ms] Max [ms] Relative
bin/tartrazine /usr/include/sqlite3.h -f html -t swapoff -o x.html --standalone -l c 70.3 ± 1.8 65.6 73.8 1.00
chroma /usr/include/sqlite3.h -l c -f html -s swapoff > x.html 122.2 ± 3.0 116.6 131.1 1.74 ± 0.06
pygmentize /usr/include/sqlite3.h -l c -O full,style=autumn -f html -o x.html 219.4 ± 4.4 212.2 235.5 3.12 ± 0.10

As you can see, that still gives a small im­prove­men­t, of just 3 mil­lisec­ond­s. But that's 5% of the to­tal time. And it's a small change.

And this is where di­min­ish­ing re­turns hit. I could prob­a­bly make it faster, but even a 10% im­prove­ment would be just 7 mil­lisec­onds on a huge file. If I were GitHub then maybe this would be worth my time, but I am not and it's not.

And how does the fi­nal ver­sion com­pare with the first one?

Command Mean [ms] Min [ms] Max [ms] Relative
bin/tartrazine-last ../crycco/src/ -f html -t swapoff -o x.html --standalone -l c 16.1 ± 1.1 13.1 21.8 1.00
bin/tartrazine-first ../crycco/src/ swapoff 519.1 ± 5.4 508.1 533.7 32.29 ± 2.23

A speedup fac­tor of 32.3x, for code that had noth­ing ob­vi­ous­ly wrong in it. I'd say that's pret­ty good.

Tartrazine: reimplementing pygments or my adventure in extreme test-driven-development

This is a "what I did this week­end" post, but it's slight­ly more in­ter­est­ing than oth­er­s, I think. So, I reim­ple­ment­ed a large chunk of Pyg­ments in a lib called Tar­trazine.


Be­cause I want­ed to high­light source code in Mark­term, and I want­ed to do it in Crys­tal, not us­ing an ex­ter­nal de­pen­den­cy.

I was us­ing Chro­ma but it's run­ning over a pipe and makes the code look ug­ly, and you need to in­stall it, and so on.

So ... I knew Chro­ma was a Go port of Pyg­ments. So I thought ... how hard can it be? They al­ready did it!

Be­cause I be­lieve we need more li­braries I just start­ed writ­ing the damned thing.


Pyg­ments/Chro­ma con­sists of three part­s.

  • Lex­er­s, which turn a text and turn it in­to a pile of to­ken­s.
  • Styles, which when asked about a to­ken type, re­turn a col­or/bold/un­der­line/etc. "style".
  • For­mat­ter­s, which it­er­ate a list of to­ken­s, ap­ply styles and cre­ate a stream of text (for ex­am­ple HTML with pret­ty col­ors).

The hard part seemed to be the lex­er­s, so I start­ed there.


I lied a lit­tle. I start­ed try­ing to read the Pyg­ments code. It was quick­ly clear that there are sev­er­al kinds of lex­er­s, but most of them (like, 90%) are "regex lex­er­s". They are lex­ers that use a state ma­chine and a bunch of reg­u­lar ex­pres­sions to to­k­enize the in­put.

I know and have im­ple­ment­ed state ma­chines.. State ma­chines are easy. So, I de­cid­ed to just im­ple­ment the regex lex­er­s. They have the huge ad­van­tage that they have lit­tle to no code. THey are just a bunch of reg­u­lar ex­pres­sions and a bunch of rules that say "if you see this, do that".

They are im­ple­ment­ed as da­ta. Here's what the ada lex­er looks like:

    tokens = {
        'root': [
            (r'[^\S\n]+', Text),
            (r'--.*?\n', Comment.Single),
            (r'[^\S\n]+', Text),
            (r'function|procedure|entry', Keyword.Declaration, 'subprogram'),
             bygroups(Keyword.Declaration, Text, Keyword.Type), 'type_def'),
            (r'task|protected', Keyword.Declaration),
            (r'(subtype)(\s+)', bygroups(Keyword.Declaration, Text)),
            (r'(end)(\s+)', bygroups(Keyword.Reserved, Text), 'end'),
            (r'(pragma)(\s+)(\w+)', bygroups(Keyword.Reserved, Text,
            (r'(true|false|null)\b', Keyword.Constant),
            # builtin types
            (words(BUILTIN_LIST, suffix=r'\b'), Keyword.Type),
            (r'(and(\s+then)?|in|mod|not|or(\s+else)|rem)\b', Operator.Word),
            (r'generic|private', Keyword.Declaration),
            (r'package', Keyword.Declaration, 'package'),
            (r'array\b', Keyword.Reserved, 'array_def'),
            (r'(with|use)(\s+)', bygroups(Keyword.Namespace, Text), 'import'),
             bygroups(Name.Constant, Text, Punctuation, Text,
            (r'<<\w+>>', Name.Label),

While ut­ter­ly un­scrutable, that's just da­ta. Then I looked at how Pyg­ments pro­cess­es that data, and it was bad news. While it's ok it's very id­iomat­ic Python. Like, meta­class­es and things jump­ing around the code­base. I had a feel­ing it could­n't be that hard.

Af­ter al­l, the ex­cel­lent write your own lex­er doc­u­ment ex­plains it in about two pages of tex­t!

So, I looked at Chro­ma's im­ple­men­ta­tion. Let's say I am now dis­trust­ful of those who claim go code is sim­ple, and wor­ried I may be ex­treme­ly dum­b.

Sure, if I spent some time I could un­der­stand it, but I am not a go per­son, and I don't have plans to be one soon, so I had to make de­ci­sion­s.

And then I saw a mag­i­cal fold­er...

A fold­er full of XML which is ob­vi­ous­ly the lex­er def­i­ni­tion­s.

Chro­ma took the Pyg­ments lex­er def­i­ni­tions which were da­ta in Python files, and turned them in­to da­ta in ac­tu­al da­ta files.

And ac­tu­al­ly read­ing those XML files along the Pyg­ments doc did the trick. I now know how to write a lex­er.

But really, How?

Let's look at how, while look­ing at the def­i­ni­tion of a very sim­ple lex­er, the "bash_ses­sion" one. A lex­er, like I said, is a state ma­chine. Each lex­er has some meta­data, such as its name, alias­es, etc, and some in­struc­tions about how to process in­put.

In this case, it says in­put should end with a new­line.

    <name>Bash Session</name>

Since a lex­er is a state ma­chine, it has states. The first state is al­ways called root. Each state has rules. Be­cause this lex­er is very sim­ple, it has on­ly one state with two rules.

    <state name="root">
      <rule pattern="^((?:\[[^]]+@[^]]+\]\s?)?[#$%&gt;])(\s*)(.*\n?)">
          <token type="GenericPrompt"/>
          <token type="Text"/>
          <using lexer="bash"/>
      <rule pattern="^.+\n?">
        <token type="GenericOutput"/>

Each rule has a pat­tern (a reg­u­lar ex­pres­sion) which de­cides if the rule ap­plies or not.

The first rule says "if the line starts with a promp­t, cap­ture the promp­t, cap­ture the spa­ces af­ter it, and then cap­ture the rest of the line".

Then, in­side the rule, we have "ac­tion­s". This rule has one ac­tion, which is "by­group­s". This ac­tion says "the first group we ca­pured is a Gener­icPromp­t, the sec­ond group is Tex­t, and the third group we should ask the bash lex­er to to­k­enize".

And that makes sense, since a bash ses­sion looks like this:

$ echo hello

There you have "$" (the promp­t), " " (tex­t), and "e­cho hel­lo" (bash code).

The sec­ond rule is sim­pler. It says "cap­ture a whole line".

So, when pro­cess­ing that ex­am­ple ses­sion, it works like this:

The state is "root" (it al­ways starts there), and we look at the be­gin­ning of the file.

The first line match­es the first rule, so we cap­ture the promp­t, the spaces, and the tex­t. We gen­er­ate the first two to­ken­s: Gener­icPrompt and Tex­t. Then we ask the bash lex­er to to­k­enize the rest of the line. It will re­turn a list of to­ken­s, we keep those to­kens too.

Be­cause we matched, we move the "cur­sor" to the end of the match, which is at the be­gin­ning of the sec­ond line now.

And we start match­ing again.

The state is root. The first rule does­n't match at the po­si­tion we're in. The sec­ond rule does. So we cap­ture the whole line and gen­er­ate a Gener­i­cOut­put to­ken. Move the cur­sor to the end of the match.

Oop­s, no more file. There, we to­k­enized.

Just that?

Well, no. Ac­tions can al­so "push a state" which means change the cur­rent state to some­thing else. States are kept in a stack, so if you were in state "root" and pushed the state "foo" now the stack is "root, foo" and the cur­rent state is "foo".

Of course you can al­so "pop" a state, which means "go back to the pre­vi­ous state".

There are some oth­er bit­s, such as "in­clude" which means "pre­tend the rules of the oth­er lex­er are here" so we don't have to write them many times in the XM­L, or that you can pop more than one state, what­ev­er, the ba­sic is just:

  1. You are in a state
  2. Check rules un­til one match­es
  3. Use that rule's ac­tions (y­ou may end up in an­oth­er state)
  4. Col­lect any to­kens gen­er­at­ed
  5. Move the cur­sor to the end of the match
  6. Go back to 1.

And that's it. That's how you write a lex­er.

And then?

But sup­pose I wrote the lex­er, how do I know if I am do­ing it right? I mean, I can't just run the lex­er and see if it work­s, right?

Well, we could if we on­ly had a whole pile of things to to­k­enize, and a tool that cre­ates the to­kens in a read­able for­mat!

Hey, we have those things. There is the pyg­ments test suite and Chro­ma can out­put to­kens in json!

So, let's do some ex­treme test-­driven-de­vel­op­men­t! Af­ter al­l, I have the tests writ­ten, now I just have to pass them, right?

I wrote enough lex­er to spit out to­ken­s, wrote a test rig that com­pared them to chro­ma's out­put, and start­ed writ­ing a lex­er.

That up there is a two-­day-­long thread of me try­ing to pass test­s. When I fin­ished, over 96% of the test suite was pass­ing and most of the fail­ures were ar­guable (I think chro­ma is wrong in some cas­es).

So, I had writ­ten the RegexLex­er. Looks like this

That code sup­ports 241 lan­guages, and it's about 300 lines of sim­ple code.

In fac­t, I think some­one (not me) should do what I did but write this thing in C, so it can be used from any lan­guage and both chro­ma and tar­trazine are ren­dered ob­so­lete.

New project: croupier

Intro to Dataflow Programming

This post is about ex­plain­ing a new pro­jec­t, called Croupi­er, which is a li­brary for dataflow pro­gram­ming.

What is that? It's a pro­gram­ming par­a­digm where you don't spec­i­fy the se­quence in which your code will ex­e­cute.

In­stead, you cre­ate a num­ber of "tasks", de­clare how the da­ta flows from one task to an­oth­er, pro­vide the ini­tial da­ta and then the sys­tem runs as many or as few of the tasks as need­ed, in what­ev­er or­der it deems bet­ter.


Put that way it looks scary and com­plex but it's some­thing so sim­ple al­most ev­ery pro­gram­mer has ran in­to a tool based on this prin­ci­ple:


When you create a Makefile, you declare a number of "targets", "dependencies" and "commands" (among other things) and then when you run make a_target it's make who decides which of those commands need to run, how and when.

Let's con­sid­er a more com­plex ex­am­ple: a stat­ic site gen­er­a­tor.

Usu­al­ly, these take a col­lec­tion of mark­down files with meta­da­ta such as ti­tle, date, tags, etc, and use that to pro­duce a col­lec­tion of HTML and oth­er files that con­sti­tute a web­site.

Now, let's con­sid­er it from the POV of dataflow pro­gram­ming with a sim­pli­fied ver­sion that on­ly takes mark­down files as in­puts and builds a "blog" out of them.

For each post in a file there will be a /foo.html.

But if that file has tags tag1 and tag2, then the contents of that file will affect the output files /tags/tag1.html and /tags/tag2.html

And if one of those tags is new, then it will affect tags/index.html

And if the post itself is new, then it will be in /index.html

And al­so in a RSS feed. And the RSS feeds for the tags!

As you can see, adding or mod­i­fy­ing a file can trig­ger a cas­cade of changes in the site.

Which you can mod­el as dataflow.

That's the ap­proach used by Niko­la, a stat­ic site gen­er­a­tor I wrote. Be­cause it's im­ple­ment­ed as dataflow, it can build on­ly what's need­ed, which in most cas­es is just a tiny frag­ment of the whole site.

That is done via doit an awe­some tool more peo­ple should know about, be­cause a lot more peo­ple should know about dataflow pro­gram­ming it­self.

So, what is Croupier?

It's a li­brary for dataflow pro­gram­ming in the Crys­tal lan­guage I am writ­ing!

Here's an ex­am­ple of it in use, from the doc­s, which should be self­-­ex­plana­to­ry if you have a pass­ing knowl­edge of Crys­tal or Ruby:

require "croupier"

b1 = ->{
  puts "task1 running""input.txt").downcase
  name: "task1",
  output: "fileA",
  inputs: ["input.txt"],
  proc: b1

b2 = ->{
  puts "task2 running""fileA").upcase
  name: "task2",
  output: "fileB",
  inputs: ["fileA"],
  proc: b2



Be­cause I want to write a fast SSG in Crys­tal, and be­cause dataflow pro­gram­ming is (to me) a fun­da­men­tal tool in my tool­kit.

Anything else?

I will prob­a­bly al­so do a sim­ple make-­like just as a play­ground for Croupi­er.

Learning Crystal by Implementing a Static Site Generator


A while back (10 YEARS???? WTH.) I wrote a stat­ic site gen­er­a­tor. I mean, I wrote one that is large and some­what pop­u­lar, called Niko­la but I al­so wrote a tiny one called Nico­let­ta

Why? Be­cause it's a nice lit­tle project and it shows the very ba­sics of how to do a whole projec­t.

All it does is:

  • Find mark­down files
  • Build them
  • Use tem­plates to gen­er­ate HTML files
  • Put those in an out­put fold­er

And that's it, that's a SS­G.

So, if I want­ed a "toy" project to prac­tice new (to me) pro­gram­ming lan­guages, why not re­write that?

And why not write about how it goes while I do it?

Hence this.

So, what's Crystal?

It's (they say) "A lan­guage for hu­mans and com­put­er­s". In short: a com­piled, stat­i­cal­ly typed lan­guage with a ru­by flavoured syn­tax.

And why? Again, why not?

Getting started

I in­stalled it us­ing curl and that got me ver­sion 1.8.2 which is the lat­est at the time of writ­ing this.

You can get your project start­ed by run­ning a com­mand:

✦ > crystal init app nicoletta .
    create  /home/ralsina/zig/nicoletta/crystal/.gitignore
    create  /home/ralsina/zig/nicoletta/crystal/.editorconfig
    create  /home/ralsina/zig/nicoletta/crystal/LICENSE
    create  /home/ralsina/zig/nicoletta/crystal/
    create  /home/ralsina/zig/nicoletta/crystal/shard.yml
    create  /home/ralsina/zig/nicoletta/crystal/src/
    create  /home/ralsina/zig/nicoletta/crystal/spec/
    create  /home/ralsina/zig/nicoletta/crystal/spec/
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/ralsina/zig/nicoletta/crystal/.git/

Some maybe in­ter­est­ing bit­s:

  • It inits a git re­po, with a git­ig­nore in it
  • Sets you up with a MIT li­cense
  • Cre­ates a rea­son­able README with nice place­hold­ers
  • We get a shard.ymlwith metadata
  • Source code in src/
  • spec/ seems to be for tests?

Mind you, I still have ze­ro idea about the lan­guage :-)

This ap­par­ent­ly com­piles in­to a do-noth­ing pro­gram, which is ok. Sur­prisied to see star­ship seems to sup­port crys­tal in the promp­t!

crystal on  main [?] is 📦 v0.1.0 via 🔮 v1.8.2 
> crystal build src/

crystal on  main [?] is 📦 v0.1.0 via 🔮 v1.8.2 
> ls -l
total 1748
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ralsina ralsina    2085 may 31 18:15
-rw-r--r-- 1 ralsina ralsina    1098 may 31 18:08 LICENSE
-rwxrwxr-x 1 ralsina ralsina 1762896 may 31 18:15 nicoletta*
-rw-r--r-- 1 ralsina ralsina     604 may 31 18:08
-rw-r--r-- 1 ralsina ralsina     167 may 31 18:08 shard.yml
drwxrwxr-x 2 ralsina ralsina    4096 may 31 18:08 spec/
drwxrwxr-x 2 ralsina ralsina    4096 may 31 18:08 src/

Per­haps a bit sur­pris­ing that the do-noth­ing bi­na­ry is 1.7MB tho (1.2MB stripped) but it's just 380KB in "re­lease mod­e" which is nice.

Learning a Bit of Crystal

At this point I will stop and learn some syn­tax:

  • How to de­clare a vari­able / a lit­er­al / a con­stant
  • How to do an if / loop
  • How to de­fine / call a func­tion

Be­cause you know, one has to know at least that much 😁

There seems to be a de­cent set of tu­to­ri­als at this lev­el. let's see how it look­s.

Good thing: this is valid Crys­tal:

module Nicoletta
  VERSION = "0.1.0"

  😀 = "Hello world"
  puts 😀 

Al­so nice that vari­ables can change type.

Having the docs say integers are int32 and anything else is "for special use cases" is not great. int32 is small.

Al­so not a huge fan of sep­a­rate un­signed type­s.

I hate the "spaceship operator" <==> which "compares its operands and returns a value that is either zero (both operands are equal), a positive value (the first operand is bigger), or a negative value (the second operand is bigger)" ... hate it.

Num­bers have named meth­od­s, which is nice. How­ev­er it ran­dom­ly shows some weird syn­tax that has not been seen be­fore. One of these is not like the oth­er­s:

p! -5.abs,   # absolute value
  4.3.round, # round to nearest integer
  5.even?,   # odd/even check
  10.gcd(16) # greatest common divisor

Or maybe the ? is just part of the method name? Who knows! Not me!

Nice string in­ter­po­la­tion thingie.

name = "Crystal"
puts "Hello #{name}"

Why would anyone add an underscore method to strings? That's just weird.

Slices are reasonable, whatever[x..y] uses negative indexes for "from the right".

We have truthy val­ues, 0 is truthy, on­ly nil, false and null point­ers are fal­sy. Ok.

I strongly dislike using unless as a keyword instead of if with a negated condition. I consider that to be keyword proliferation and cutesy.

Meth­ods sup­port over­load­ing. Ok.

Ok, I know just enough Crys­tal to be slight­ly dan­ger­ous. Those feel like good tu­to­ri­al­s. Short, to the point, give you enough rope to ... make some­thing with rope, or what­ev­er.

Learning a Bit More Crystal

So: er­rors? Class­es? Block­s? How?

Class­es are pret­ty straight­for­ward ... ap­par­ent­ly they are a bit frowned up­on for per­for­mance rea­sons be­cause they are heap al­lo­cat­ed, but what­evs.

In­her­i­tance with method over­load­ing is not my cup of tea but 🤷

Exceptions are pretty simple but begin / rescue / else / ensure / end? Eek.

Also, I find that variables have nil type in the ensure block confusing.

Re­quir­ing files is not go­ing to be a prob­lem.

Blocks are in­ter­est­ing but I am not go­ing to try to use them yet.

Dinner Break

I will grab din­ner, and then try to im­ple­ment Nico­let­ta, some­how. I'll prob­a­bly fail 😅

Implementing Nicoletta

The code for nico­let­ta is not long so this should be a piece of cake.

No need to have a main in Crystal. Things just are executed.

First, I need a way to read the con­fig­u­ra­tion. It looks like this:

TITLE: "Nicoletta Test Blog"

That is tech­ni­cal­ly YAML so sure­ly there is a crys­tal thing to read it. In fac­t, it's in the stan­dard li­brary! This frag­ment work­s:

require "yaml"

VERSION = "0.1.0"

tpl_data ="conf") do |file|
p! tpl_data

And when ex­e­cut­ed does this, which is cor­rec­t:

crystal on  main [!?] is 📦 v0.1.0 via 🔮 v1.8.2 
> crystal run src/
tpl_data # => {"TITLE" => "Nicoletta Test Blog"}

Looks like what I want to store this sort of da­ta is a Hash

Next step: read tem­plates and put them in a hash in­dexed by path.

Templates are files in templates/ which look like this:

<h2><a href="${link}">${title}</a></h2>
date: ${date}

Of course the syn­tax will prob­a­bly have to change, but for now I don't care.

To find all files in templates I can apparently use Dir.glob

And I swear I wrote this al­most in the first at­temp­t:

# Load templates
templates = {} of String => String
Dir.glob("templates/*.tmpl").each do |path|
  templates[path] =

Next is iterating over all files in posts/ (which are meant to be markdown with YAML metadata on top) and do things with them.

It­er­at­ing them is the same as be­fore (hey, this is nice)

Dir.glob("posts/*.md").each do |path|
  # Stuff

But I will need a Post class and so on, so...

Here is a Post class that is initialized by a path, parses metadata and keeps the text.

class Post
  def initialize(path)
    contents =
    metadata, @text = contents.split("\n\n", 2)
    @metadata = YAML.parse(metadata)
  @metadata : YAML::Any
  @text : String

Next step is to give that class a method to parse the mark­down and con­vert it to HTM­L.

I am not im­ple­ment­ing that so I googled for a Crys­tal mark­down im­ple­men­ta­tion and found markd which is sad­ly aban­doned but looks ok.

Using it is surprisingly painless thanks to Crystal's shards dependency manager. First, I added it to shard.yml:

   github: icyleaf/markd

Ran shards install:

crystal on  main [!+?] is 📦 v0.1.0 via 🔮 v1.8.2 
> shards install
Resolving dependencies
Installing markd (0.5.0)
Writing shard.lock

Then added a require "markd", slapped this code in the Post class and that's it:

  def html

Here is the code to parse all the posts and hold them in an ar­ray:

posts = [] of Post

Dir.glob("posts/*.md").each do |path|
  posts <<

Now I need a Crys­tal im­ple­men­ta­tion of some tem­plate lan­guage, some­thing like han­dle­bars, I don't need much!

The stan­dard li­brary has a tem­plate lan­guage called ECR which is pret­ty nice but it's com­pile-­time and I need this to be done in run­time. So googled and found ... Kilt

I will use the crus­tache vari­ant, which im­ple­ments the Mus­tache stan­dard.

Again, added the dependency to shard.yml and ran shards install:

   github: icyleaf/markd
   github: MakeNowJust/crustache

Af­ter some refac­tor­ing of tem­plate code, the tem­plate load­er now looks like this:

class Template
  @text : String
  @compiled : Crustache::Syntax::Template

  def initialize(path)
    @text =
    @compiled = Crustache.parse(@text)

# Load templates
templates = {} of String => Template

Dir.glob("templates/*.tmpl").each do |path|
  templates[path] =

I changed the tem­plates from what­ev­er they were be­fore to mus­tache:

<h2><a href="{{link}}">{{title}}</a></h2>
date: {{date}}

I can now implement Post.render... except that top-level variables like templates are not accessible from inside classes and that messes up my code, so it needs refactoring. So.

This sure as hell is not id­iomat­ic Crys­tal, but bear with me, I am a be­gin­ner here.

This scans for all posts, then prints them rendered with the post.tmpl template:

class Post
  @metadata = {} of YAML::Any => YAML::Any
  @text : String
  @link : String
  @html : String

  def initialize(path)
    contents =
    metadata, @text = contents.split("\n\n", 2)
    @metadata = YAML.parse(metadata).as_h
    @link = path.split("/")[-1][0..-4] + ".html"
    @html = Markd.to_html(@text)

  def render(template)
    Crustache.render template.@compiled, @metadata.merge({"link" => @link, "text" => @html})

posts = [] of Post

Dir.glob("posts/*.md").each do |path|
  posts <<
  p! p.render templates["templates/post.tmpl"]

Believe it or not, this is almost done. Now I need to make it output that (passed through another template) into the right path in a output/ folder.

This al­most work­s:

Dir.glob("posts/*.md").each do |path|
  post =
  rendered_post = post.render templates["templates/post.tmpl"]
  rendered_page = Crustache.render(templates["templates/page.tmpl"].@compiled,
      "content" => rendered_post,
    }))"output/#{post.@link}", "w") do |io|
    io.puts rendered_page

For some rea­son all my HTML is es­caped, I think that's the tem­plate en­gine try­ing to be safe 😤

Turns out I had to use TRIPLE han­dle­bars to print un­escaped HTM­L, so af­ter a small fix in the tem­plates...

A small HTML page

So, suc­cess! It has been fun, and I quite like the lan­guage!

I pub­lished it at my git serv­er but here's the full source code, all 60 lines of it:

# Nicoletta, a minimal static site generator.

require "yaml"
require "markd"
require "crustache"

VERSION = "0.1.0"

# Load config file
tpl_data ="conf") do |file|

class Template
  @text : String
  @compiled : Crustache::Syntax::Template

  def initialize(path)
    @text =
    @compiled = Crustache.parse(@text)

# Load templates
templates = {} of String => Template

Dir.glob("templates/*.tmpl").each do |path|
  templates[path] =

class Post
  @metadata = {} of YAML::Any => YAML::Any
  @text : String
  @link : String
  @html : String

  def initialize(path)
    contents =
    metadata, @text = contents.split("\n\n", 2)
    @metadata = YAML.parse(metadata).as_h
    @link = path.split("/")[-1][0..-4] + ".html"
    @html = Markd.to_html(@text)

  def render(template)
    Crustache.render template.@compiled, @metadata.merge({"link" => @link, "text" => @html})

Dir.glob("posts/*.md").each do |path|
  post =
  rendered_post = post.render templates["templates/post.tmpl"]
  rendered_page = Crustache.render(templates["templates/page.tmpl"].@compiled,
      "content" => rendered_post,
    }))"output/#{post.@link}", "w") do |io|
    io.puts rendered_page

New minisite: book covers

Since I wrote tapi­ta to au­to­mat­i­cal­ly cre­ate book cov­er­s, it was ab­surd­ly easy to turn it in­to a site where you can cre­ate book cov­er­s.

So, you can go to Cov­er­s.ralsi­ and cre­ate book cov­er­s.

Fun part: this is the whole back­end for the site:

from json import loads
from tapita import Cover
from io import BytesIO
import base64

def handle(req):
    """handle a request to the function
        req (str): request body

        "title": "foo",
        "subtitle": "bar",
        "author": "bat",
        args = loads(req)
    except Exception:
        return "Bad Request", 400

    c = Cover(**args)
    byte_arr = BytesIO(), format="JPEG")

    return (
        f'<img src="data:image/jpeg;base64, {base64.b64encode(byte_arr.getvalue()).decode("utf-8")}">',
        {"Content-Type": "text/html"},

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina