Olvidate del modo "incógnito", usá un browser descartable!
No es porque lo haya escrito yo (bueno, sí) pero si necesitás un browser "limpio" sin cookies, etc, para testear algo, podrías encontrar maneras peores que usar Devicenzo así:
rm -f ~/.config/ralsina/devicenzo.conf curl https://devicenzo.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/devicenzo.py | python
La primera línea elimina toda la configuración, cookies, etc que puedas tener, y la segunda descarga la última versión (no te preocupes, tarda dos segundos) y la lanza.
Y voilá, un browser recién desembalado, basado en webkit, sin historia previa, ni cookies, ni configuración, y razonablemente feature-complete.
I used Selenium for this.
The reason that many of us use an Incognito Window is because we need the Chrome Developer Tools for debugging our web application's login page, or whatever it is that we are debugging with different cookies than the ones we have set for normal use.
Good point. I thought everyone understood this was about porn (no, not really ;-)
If you're doing this, you might want to consider tweaking the environ rather than nuking the config; for example,