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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Son of Bartleblog III

A cou­ple more hours of hack­ing, and the tem­plates are all new, and more func­tion­al then ev­er.


I am mak­ing heavy use of Ya­hoo's UI li­brary, which makes lots of things much sim­pler:

  • Lay­out us­ing Ya­hoo Grids

    I spent hours mak­ing the lay­out you see now, and the one with Grids works bet­ter and was done in min­utes. Avoid rein­ven­t­ing the wheel works for we­b­­pages, too.

  • Cal­en­­dar us­ing Ya­hoo Cal­en­­dar

    Is­n't it neat? And it work­s, too. Since the link­ing is han­­dled by javascript I may make it so it loads the posts for a month with­­out reload­­ing the page.

  • Styling us­ing their re­set.c­ss stylesheet.

    That stylesheet re­­moves all styling from your page. That way, if there's some­thing there, you put it.

    I used that, added a slight­­ly sim­­pli­­fied stylesheet based on Fire­­fox's de­­fault, Re­struc­­tured Tex­t's and Sil­ver­ci­­ty's, and all the cus­­tomiz­ing I need­ed to do to achieve a sim­­ple but func­­tion­al lay­out were 30 lines of CSS, com­­pared to the rather mon­strous py­d­s.c­ss my blog cur­ren­t­­ly us­es.

  • Mod­­u­lar thin­­gies.

    I turned all Tech­no­rati/HaloScan/Feed­Burn­er/Talkr thin­­gies in­­­to macros that take as con­­fig­u­ra­­tion your per­­son­al da­­ta (for ex­am­­ple, HaloScan ID) and if nec­es­sary a post.

If the styling was a lit­tle more done and a few bugs were ironed, I may even start up­load­ing the site us­ing bartle­blog in­stead of PyDS soon :-)

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