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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Blogging from Latinoware again

Last night while eat­ing one of the Python Brazil guys told me about the Light­ning Talks ses­sion tak­ing place to­day.

Since I am ba­si­cal­ly in­sane, I was con­vinced to do my first light­ning talk:

  • In span­ish in front of a pure­­ly brazil­ian au­di­ence

  • Cre­at­ing it while hav­ing break­­fast 1 hour be­­fore the event

  • Af­ter ex­ceed­ing the al­lot­t­ed 50! min­utes 2 days ago

So, in short, I was ter­ri­fied. I got there, sat at the back, start lis­ten­ing.

I was 4th in or­der.

1: doctests (nice)

2: pro­nounce­able pass­words (nice)

3: MVC in gtk... I did­n't un­der­stand a word, and ran out of time.

So, I am now think­ing no­body will un­der­stand me at al­l, so I will slow down, run out of time, and will then give the worst light­ning talk ev­er.

I'm next up. My top­ic: how to build a spread­sheet in 5 min­utes.

Amaz­ing­ly, it worked rather well, the "M­C" asked me for a copy of the code, and said it was a neat ex­am­ple. Noone looked hor­ri­fied or ROFLing, so I am at least some­what hap­py about it.

Here is the code for you, too: ss­in5min.t­gz

I would do it again. But if I am do­ing it again here, I am learn­ing por­tuguese first.

Marcos Dione / 2008-11-01 15:35:

vocé não precisa aprender portugueis. voce so va e fala, eles vão comprender :)

Rodrigo Hübner / 2008-11-10 02:53:

Hi, I found your blog without going!
It was I who gave the lecture, 5 minutes on MVC in pygtk!
Did you not understand?
The last post in my blog talk about it and has the complete example there!

greetings and so long!!

Roberto Alsina / 2008-11-10 12:29:

Between my problems with portuguese, my problems with gtk and my problems with the 5 minutes, it was me who was the problem :-)

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