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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

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I am a big Alexan­dre Du­mas fan. He's the di­rect an­ces­tor of Neal Stephen­son, so many of you should like him too. So I used one of his best books to try some au­to­mat­ic type­set­ting of project guten­berg texts.

No, the whole book did not con­vert with­out er­rors, and yes, there is some man­u­al work in what you are about to see, but hey, take a look.

Here's a far look of the first two pages:


And here's some de­tail of the typset­ting:


Yes, the type­set­ting is not re­al­ly La­TeX qual­i­ty, but it's not bad, ei­ther.

Com­pare it with the HTML ver­sion at project Guten­berg. The type­set­ting is a thing of beau­ty com­pared to that :-(

The im­age is a pic­ture of Chateau d'If from flick­r, re­leased un­der Cre­ative Com­mon­s. The ti­tle font is Scripti­na, I chose it be­cause it looks 19th cen­tu­ry but mod­ern.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina