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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

urssus at 27 days old

Af­ter 27 days of de­vel­op­men­t, uRSSus is fi­nal­ly a re­al­ly us­able ap­p. I miss noth­ing from Akre­ga­tor, al­though there are a few unim­ple­ment­ed things. It was bro­ken the alst cou­ple of days, be­cause I was rewrit­ing large chunks of its gut­s, but the new guts work much bet­ter ;-)

The miss­ing pieces (I know about):

  • Fav­i­­cons

  • Save col­umn width in post list

  • Show to­­tal posts in feed list

  • Drag&­­Drop is not re­li­able (weird things hap­pen ev­ery few tries)

  • Metafeeds (ex. your un­read post­s/ your starred post­s) are not up­­­dat­ed au­­to­­mat­i­­cal­­ly

  • Del.i­­ sync is not work­ing at all

  • No help

  • No de­­cent con­­fig di­a­log (but a func­­tion­al re­­place­­men­t!)

  • Very oc­­ca­­sion­al DB lock­­ing.

  • Log­ging is bro­ken

  • Need to im­­ple­­ment back­­up of the DB

That's not re­al­ly more than a day or two of work.

Right now (re­vi­sion 570) it's work­ing pret­ty good, so it's a good re­vi­sion to try, if you feel up to it.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina