Generating PDFs from Restructured text
This has always been possible, going via LaTeX.
However, LaTeX being what it is, you either need to learn it, or you end up with rather plain-looking documents.
While that's ok for a manual, I want to use Restructured Text for everything involving documents.
So, I looked for another solution. Sadly, I could not make the existing rlpdf writer work, sooooo I decided to write my own tool.
Since I intensely dislike the Visitor pattern involved in writing a regular docutils writer, I adapted my old and ended with which just traverses the tree recursively and writes the PDF using ReportLab.
And it took me about 3 hours to make it work:
For a limited subset of RST (no footnotes, no links, no decoration)
For some subset of tables (no col/row spanning)
With limited "styling" (it's mostly there, but I need to write a lot of ReportLab styles.
How well does it work... rather well.
Here's a generated PDF of The RestructuredText Primer
Ignore aesthetics, and consider function, it's pretty good.
Roberto, qué buen trabajo! Hace algunos días di una charla sobre reST en las Jornadas del LugFI 2007, y considero que tuvo bastante aceptación :) Ojalá decidas compartir esto. Voy a ser de los primeros en probarlo :)
Pero por supuesto, no lo compartí porque está muy verde, y porque google code no me deja abrir mas proyectos.
Así que acá está el código (necesita reportlab):