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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Refreshed rst-cheatsheet

A whi­le ago, I created a 2-­pa­ge PDF ver­sion of the res­truc­tu­red text qui­cks­tart meant to be printe­d, fol­ded in half and kept handy un­til you fi­na­lly re­mem­ber how to do footno­tes (10 years and sti­ll wai­tin­g, in my ca­se).

It was brou­ght to my atten­tion that the gi­thub pro­ject did not men­tion how to build it. Then I no­ti­ced that not on­ly it did­n't ex­plain tha­t, it was al­so mis­sing cri­ti­cal fi­le­s.

So, I added the fi­le­s, fixed a cou­ple of things that we­re not wo­rking per­fec­tly wi­th the la­test rs­t2­pdf and the­re is now a fresh PDF ready for you!

camboris / 2013-01-24 13:11:

el ejemplo de la lista en la tabla , al inicio de la segunda página, esta corrido hacia abajo, en la columna "header 3" en el pdf para descargar.

Roberto Alsina / 2013-01-24 13:40:

Pucha, bug :-(

Mariano Guerra / 2013-01-24 15:47:

gracias! a ver si termino de memorizar como hacer inline links y footnotes de una vez por todas

Kay Hayen / 2013-01-24 16:57:

Thanks a lot, btw the date in the document still says 2009...

Roberto Alsina / 2013-01-24 18:35:

well, I did not change the text :)

Matt Harrison / 2013-01-24 22:28:

En la primera pagina el header "Section Structure" cae hacia abajo, como un "heurfano" en terminos tipograficos. Creo que es falta de rst que no tiene manera de indicar "page/section break". Que lastima...

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