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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Nothing Ever Really Goes Away On The Internet: ra-plugins

I us­ed to ma­na­ge a lar­ge num­ber of QMail ins­ta­lla­tion­s. And be­cau­se Qmail was ... weird­ly li­cen­s­e­d, I wro­te a set of plu­gins that ran on top of a pa­tch ca­lled Qmai­l-S­PP. I pre­tty mu­ch sto­pped doing that years ago be­cau­se li­fe took me in other di­rec­tion­s, and for­got all about it.

That co­llec­tion is ca­lled ra-­plu­gins and I had not tou­ched it sin­ce la­te 2008.

And to­da­y... I got a pa­tch wi­th two who­le plu­gins to add to it so that it makes Qmail hand­le email addres­ses mo­re like Gmail does (a­lia­ses using use­r+­foo and making use­r.­foo the sa­me as user­foo).

So, I got the­m, added the­m, fixed a few sim­ple buil­ding is­sues, up­dated the libs­m­tp it uses in­ter­na­lly for one of the plu­gins to a la­ter ver­sio­n, and the­re it sta­ys, perhaps not to be tou­ched un­til 2018.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina