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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Nikola is now more compatible with Sphinx

So­me­ti­me­s, you need to use the sa­me text in mo­re than one pla­ce. For exam­ple, you may want to use frag­men­ts of your so­ftwa­re ma­nuals in your so­ftwa­re's si­te.

If you are part of the Py­tho­n-­ver­se then it's like­ly that your do­cs are wri­tten using Sphi­nx. Ǹiko­la and Sphi­nx sha­re roots in reS­truc­tu­re­dText so they are al­ready com­pa­ti­ble in many im­por­tant wa­ys.

Ho­we­ve­r, Sphi­nx adds a who­le bun­ch of ex­ten­sions to reS­truc­tu­re­dText and Sphi­nx users use the­m. So, wha­t's a dev to do? He'­ll wri­te co­de. So I wro­te a niko­la plu­gin whi­ch adds su­pport for a lar­ge chunk of the Sphi­n­x-s­pe­ci­fic ma­rku­p.

How big a chunk? Qui­te big sin­ce it adds su­pport for over 35 ex­ten­sion­s, ro­les and di­rec­ti­ves (no, toc­tree is not one of them ye­t).

This wa­y, you may be able to en­joy a good do­cu­men­ta­tio­n-s­pe­ci­fic tool and a (if I may say so mysel­f) good web­si­te tool from co­m­mon sour­ce­s.


Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina