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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Nikola 6.0.0 released

Fi­na­ll­y! This took a whi­le be­cau­se the­re was a lot of wo­rk do­ne, but re­lea­se 6.0.0 of Niko­la my sta­tic si­te and blog ge­ne­ra­tor is ou­t.

De­tail­s, fi­le­s, etc at gi­thub

I ha­ve trie­d, for this re­lea­se, to do things be­tte­r, be mo­re ca­re­ful and do­cu­ment as mu­ch as po­s­si­ble, as we­ll as tried to hit most things that we­re hard to fix in a sin­gle ba­ckwar­ds in­com­pa­ti­ble break.

So­me of the new fea­tu­res are des­cri­bed in a se­ries of blog pos­ts: 1 2 3 4 5

Al­so: brand new mo­dern the­mes si­te: http://­the­me­s.­ge­tniko­la.­com and new do­main http://­ge­tniko­la.­com among many other tweaks.

Ha­ve fun!

ddevine / 2013-09-08 06:02: is not working for me. No DNS record for that domain.

Roberto Alsina / 2013-09-08 10:22:

I think that's just you:

$ host

Using domain server:



Aliases: has address

You can try http://themes.nikola.ralsin... and see if that one works.

claudio canepa / 2013-09-08 14:05:

domingo, 2013 09 08 10:53 ar : -> server is not reponding, casi instantaneo.

http://themes.nikola.ralsin... -> works

Será el DNS de Arnet ?

Roberto Alsina / 2013-09-08 14:11:


ddevine / 2013-09-09 01:17:

It's working now.
At the time I did try from my laptop and my server (to test over IPv6).

Roberto Alsina / 2013-09-09 01:19:

Turns out it was a DNS config problem that worked on my side because of a random coincidence.

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