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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Bartleblog 0.0.1

I got a few mails ask­ing to see Bartle­blog... well, if you have a work­ing PyQt, and a work­ing PyDS (ad­voga­to sup­port is to­tal­ly bro­ken right now), and you have a good back­up of your blog, then you may try to get it from here (Use CVS)

It is just not use­ful for a nor­mal blog­ger right now.

I hope the nice guys at pyc­ don't mind me post­ing it here (it's small­er than some of the dy­nam­ic HTML pages ;-)

In a cou­ple of days I will move it to, as soon as I get the project ap­proved.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina