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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Sometimes things just click

I have been writ­ing we­b-based in­ter­faces for ap­pli­ca­tions for about 5 years. Noth­ing pub­lic, noth­ing very in­ter­est­ing, just tiny front ends for cus­tom tools in clients' in­stal­la­tion­s.

And I have hat­ed ev­ery minute of it. PHP hurt­s, Twist­ed hurt­s, mod­_python hurt­s...

For a cou­ple of months I have been us­ing Cher­ryPy and I fi­nal­ly am hav­ing fun do­ing it.

And af­ter I fig­ured out how to do AJAX us­ing it, it's even more fun ( be­cause the apps in­ter­ac­tion mod­el is not to­tal­ly brain­dead :-)

I don't ex­pect it to be as fun as PyQt/PyKDE, but it's to­tal­ly not aw­ful. I sup­pose the same epiphany comes to peo­ple when they use rails or some oth­er de­cen­t, pro­duc­tive, fun frame­work.

All in al­l, I could get used to this.

berkus / 2006-04-03 16:33:

I wonder if you should try Rails.

Roberto Alsina / 2006-04-03 16:34:

I'm old. I don't want to learn another language right now ;-)

tenuate / 2006-04-04 04:50:

tenuate. tenuate online, buy tenuate, order tenuate. Also buy tenuate. Great site, keep up the good work!

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina