Problemas de abandono: rst2pdf
Así que lo voy a retomar. Voy a dedicarle unas 4horas por semana.El plan es:
Juntar parches que están juntando tierra en el issue tracker
Arreglar algunos bugcitos
Hacer un release con 1) y 2)
Y por supuesto:
No abandonarlo de nuevo
Mientras tanto, acá hay algo interesante de lo que recién me enteré. Dimitri Christodoulou hackeó rst2pdf para que soporte la directiva raw:: html
Eso, amigos, es tan loco que lo tengo que robar (con el crédito correcto, etc :-)
Y Dimitri, o cualquier otro que quiera hacer algo copado con rst2pdf, ¡avisen! ¡Les doy commit!
many thanks for the rst2pdf,but as a chinese programmer,rst2pdf cannot handle the chinese language very well,please take it into the consideration of rst2pdf's next version^_^thx
I have fixed as much as I could when I got bug reports from chinese users. OTOH, not being able to read or write chinese, there is only so much I could do, and this would need a chinese programmer to improve.
For example, there are lots of mentions of rst2pdf in japanese, and a japanese guy did which is really cool, so with native speaker involvement, I don't see why it's not possible.
I am using it for all my presentation and documentation needs and manuals. And rst2pdf convinced me it is worthwhile.
Heck, I even want to change from wordpress to whatever it is that allows to write articles in ReST now. So, well, it's kind of sad that I don't join you, but instead work on Nuitka.
That's really cool to hear! BTW: I am very impressed with Nuitka!
Unfortunately for rst2pdf(1), I have abandoned it in favor of rst2latex(1) and then pdflatex(1). While noisy, it works, and IMO works better than rst2pdf(1). Good luck on the project!
Good to hear that you are picking it up again! I'm using it for writing release notes.
Más me dolería que muera Python no muerde...
This is fantastic news. This academic year I switched from LaTeX to rst2pdf for slides and exercise sheets (and to Sphinx for module webpages).