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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Using vector images in reportlab, improved

I just com­mit­ted in­to trunk of rst2pdf a nice­ly work­ing SVGIm­age flow­able for re­port­lab­s.

The code is self­-­con­tained in two files:

You can use them in your app if you want (I'd like to know, though). One of them is GPL/L­GPL (it's ba­si­cal­ly copied from uni­con­ver­tor) the oth­er is MIT-Li­censed.

The out­put is as­ton­ish­ing: svg.pdf is on­ly 32KB and com­plete­ly res­o­lu­tion-in­de­pen­den­t. Graph­ics in your PDF That look good print­ed and on screen! And are not huge! Yay!

This will be the flag­ship new fea­ture in to­mor­row's rst2pdf 0.8.

Nevi / 2009-02-15 19:17:

Hello Roberto..
We have a win32 application, and want to use uniconvertor to import the vector files like CDR,AI ,EPS..

Im not a programmer..but, can that be done from inside ??

If you know how that can work, perhaps you can tell a programmer how to do it?? If you can help I can give you his messenger/email details.

Let me know.

efectnevi on yahoo messenger too.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina