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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Urssus: July 27th - Released into the wild!

And I am doing it for rea­l:

  • Py­­Pi pa­­ge for ea­s­­y_in­s­­ta­­ll

  • Wo­­­rking in­s­­ta­­lle­­r! (Not qui­­te wo­­­rking for wi­n­­do­­ws, thou­­gh)

  • Most kno­­wn bugs fixed (at least 15 to­­­da­­y)

It has been a ni­ce ex­pe­ri­men­t, and I wi­ll try to wri­te so­me­thing co­he­rent to­mo­rrow about le­s­sons lear­ned and su­ch as we rea­ch my se­l­f-im­po­sed two week dead­li­ne for Ak­re­ga­tor fea­tu­re pa­ri­ty.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina