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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Urssus again

An­oth­er day, an­oth­er two hours of work on it.

What's new?

  • Some UI el­e­­ments with­­out code be­hind them (the "fil­ter ar­ti­­cle" thingie), and a feed prop­er­ties di­a­log.

  • A (IMVHO) bet­ter UI dis­­tri­bu­­tion than akre­­ga­­tor. Con­sid­er this screen­shot:


The ar­ti­cle list and feed tree are the same size, but re­mov­ing the tabs and mov­ing the fil­ter in­to a tool­bar re­al­ly makes the ac­tu­al read­ing area quite larg­er.

  • Del­e­­gate all links from the read­­ing area to the desk­­top's web brows­er (this is not a web brows­er yet ;-)

  • Progress re­­port for web page load­­ing (more use­­ful once you can de­­clare a feed as "load link di­rec­t­­ly")

  • Fin­ished feed/ar­ti­­cle nav­i­­ga­­tion (nex­t/pre­vi­ous feed/ar­ti­­cle un­read­­/any), and fixed bugs in the part that was al­ready done.

  • Zoom in­­/out for the web view

  • Show/hide sta­­tus­bar

  • Sev­er­al bug fix­es

And yes, still fun!

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina