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Outies (Moties, #3)

Cover for Outies (Moties, #3)


This book is a mess. There are some good ideas in there but:

1) It des­per­ate­ly needs an ed­i­tor (ex­am­ple: it us­es "com­pos­ite com­pound" as the de­scrip­tion of a ma­te­ri­al)

2) Char­ac­ters ap­pear out of nowhere, and dis­ap­pear 20 pages lat­er, to nev­er be seen again.

3) The ac­tion scenes are so con­fus­ing they would make Michael Bay blush.

4) The pub­lish­er should put the au­thor's full name in the cov­er so noone con­fus­es her with her fa­ther.

Merged re­view:

This book is a mess. There are some good ideas in there but:

1) It des­per­ate­ly needs an ed­i­tor (ex­am­ple: it us­es "com­pos­ite com­pound" as the de­scrip­tion of a ma­te­ri­al)

2) Char­ac­ters ap­pear out of nowhere, and dis­ap­pear 20 pages lat­er, to nev­er be seen again.

3) The ac­tion scenes are so con­fus­ing they would make Michael Bay blush.

4) The pub­lish­er should put the au­thor's full name in the cov­er so noone con­fus­es her with her fa­ther.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina