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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

KDE at Software Libre2005

I will be speak­ing at the Soft­ware Li­bre 2005 even­t, June 7 at 2P­M, at the Sher­a­ton Re­tiro, Buenos Aires.

I'd in­vite ev­ery­one, but it costs some mon­ey, so I will just say that I prom­ise to buy a beer for ev­ery­one men­tion­ing this blog. (Lim­it 10 beer­s, on­ly na­tion­al ones al­lowed)

For more in­fo, click on "read more"

Voy a dar una char­la en Soft­ware Li­bre 2005, el 7 de Ju­nio a las 14 ho­ras, en el Sher­a­ton Re­tiro, Buenos Aires.

In­vi­taria a to­do el mundo, pero cues­ta dinero, asi que so­la­mente los in­vi­to con una cerveza si men­cio­nan es­ta pag­i­na. (Lim­ite 10 cerveza­s, so­lo na­cionales)

Para mas datos, click en "Read more"

Juan F. Codagnone / 2006-04-03 19:40:

There is a link for the event?

Roberto Alsina / 2006-04-03 19:41:

There is one now, click on "Read more" or copy from here:

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina