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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

A new stage, blah blah blah

You sure­ly have seen a mil­lion posts like this one. Hack­er X starts say­ing what a great time he had at com­pa­ny Y/­col­lege/­mom's base­men­t/the cir­cus and how he will al­ways miss the peo­ple there but any­way it's great to look for­ward to the chal­lenge of life at com­pa­ny Z/unem­ploy­men­t/feng shui con­sult­ing/ele­fant ex­cre­ment shov­el­ing.

Well, this one is pret­ty much the same thing.

I start­ed work­ing at Canon­i­cal to­day. Yes, Canon­i­cal. The Ubun­tu guys. You may won­der what a dyed-in-the-­wool KDE guy is go­ing to do there. Well, it's a job, dude, the 90s called and they want their flame­fest back.

I am the new "Engi­neer­ing Man­ag­er for the Desk­top+ group". What the heck is that? Well, my job is to help a bunch of tal­ent­ed peo­ple I like (at least the ones I've known so far ;-) de­liv­er cool soft­ware.

I will prob­a­bly not be cod­ing much, since this is a grownup job, the kind where in­stead of lines of code you are sup­posed to de­vel­op gas­tric ul­cers and re­ced­ing hair­lines while you herd cats to the clos­est cat shed, but I will prob­a­bly man­age to do some­thing, some­times.

This po­si­tion came at a good time for me. My kid is go­ing to be 4 next year and go to school all day. What the heck was I gonna do at home all day then, watch ani­me? Build killer robot­s? Plan how to con­quer the world?

And what hap­pens to my pre­vi­ous job? Well... I still have it some­how. I own a piece of Net Man­agers (http://net­man­ager­s.­ but I will be step­ping away from the dai­ly man­age­ment and op­er­a­tion of the busi­ness.

So, ba­si­cal­ly, I in­tend to take the mon­ey and dump the work on the backs of my ca­pa­ble part­ners (just kid­ding). In any case, the com­pa­ny can work just as well with­out me since we can now maybe hire an em­ploy­ee in­stead of pay­ing me, so it's win/win ;-)

On oth­er news, I will still work in the same ta­ble as the last 5 years, do­ing some of the same things, with dif­fer­ent peo­ple. It does­n't sound so big when said like that, uh? Well, I will trav­el more, and there are in­ter­est­ing chal­lenges in this new job.

In short: canon­i­cal, lit­tle cod­ing, still own net­man­ager­s, hap­py guy.

Lucas Shrewsbury / 2010-12-07 03:17:

Felicitaciones Roberto!!
No llevo la cuenta pero se que hay unos cuantos Pythonistas Argentinos trabajando en Canonical. Sera por algo en especial?

Te hago una pregunta a nivel anecdotico/chusma, como es el proceso de recruitment de una empresa grande y distribuida como Canonical?



Roberto Alsina / 2010-12-07 03:25:

No tengo idea mas allá de como fué el mío :-)

Básicamente varias entrevistas telefónicas, discutir el dinero, firmar el contrato, empezar a trabajar. Unas dos semanas en total.

Mauro / 2010-12-07 07:37:

Es cierto lo que dice Lucas, hay muchos pythonistas argentinos en Canonical... Es hora de ejecutar el 2do paso del plan y conquistar el mundo (?) (Si, no era el plan mejor pensado)

Felicidades Roberto

Diego Sarmentero / 2010-12-07 04:26:

Sin duda una gran adquisición para Canonical!


Steve Romanow / 2010-12-07 05:27:


edvm / 2010-12-07 05:38:

Roberto, date cuenta !!! La parte de los robots asesinos y ver anime, es la mejor !!! ^^ ...
Bueno ... igualmente, congrats ! ;)

El Barto / 2010-12-07 12:06:

Felicitaciones, Roberto!
Espero que esta nueva etapa traiga desafíos copados y no muchas úlceras gástricas. Y no dudo que desde esa posición seguirás haciendo grandes cosas por la comunidad FLOSS, así que te lo seguiremos agradeciendo.

Juan / 2010-12-07 12:47:

Felicitaciones Roberto!. Creo que es un gran premio, muy merecido, para un tipo que venia haciendo las cosas que hacias vos. Como dijo otro de los comentarios, gran incorporación para Canonical. Abrazo!. Juan

Eduardo / 2010-12-07 13:37:

Esto significa que ahora tenemos a quien reclamarle directamente cuando algo de Ubuntu no nos gusta? xD

Roberto Alsina / 2010-12-07 13:51:

No, eso es otra gente, a mi me podés reclamar por una parte de ubuntuone nomás :-)

Lucas Di Pentima / 2010-12-07 19:19:

Felicitaciones Roberto! que este nuevo laburo sea tan interesante como promete serlo! un abrazo!

Jos Poortvliet / 2010-12-10 08:20:

Congrats dude, have fun at Canonical :D

eean / 2010-12-10 15:16:

Well I say: Flamewar is over, KDE won. :D

matigro / 2010-12-24 16:46:

uh! ¡pero qué bueno! Levantaste mucho la perdiz con tanto software, charlas y posts en las listas :D y los de Canonical no pudieron resistirse. Otro mas de PyAr, y van...
Fe li ci ta cio nes

income tax calculator / 2011-02-23 19:49:

congrats and good luck

phone number lookup / 2011-12-03 22:29:

this is really interesting viewpoint on the subject i might add

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