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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Changes in Lateral Opinion

Yes, the blog was look­ing old and ug­ly. So I changed it. Hope you like the new style, it's based on plain­txtBlog, from http://de­mo.­plain­tx­

Not ev­ery­thing is adapt­ed yet, but most places should look much bet­ter now.

The li­cens­ing of all orig­i­nal con­tent has been changed to a Cre­ative Com­mons li­cense (non-­com­mer­cial, share-a­like, see the badge at the left­).

Al­so, few­er ad­s, and a new Do­nate but­ton I strong­ly en­cour­age you to use ;-).

Oh, and I will try my best to al­so post the span­ish trans­la­tions of, at least, the post­s. The code and long sto­ries will prob­a­bly stay en­glish-on­ly for a while.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina