Dear Lazyweb: What should my company's site be like?
The day is arriving when Net Managers SRL will emerge from its cocoon of bureaucracy.
Net Managers is a company. Of which I own a piece. And it will have a website, at ... and I have no idea what to put there.
So, what should it be like?
Here's some data:
It's formed by Linux/Unix geeks of a rather high level, IMHO
Our business is fixing your Linux/Unix problems, and explaining to you how you can really use Linux/Unix to do cool things (which means, corporate Linux consuklting and support)
We have a relaxed corporate culture. Every partner would get the joke about how Christmas and Thanksgiving are the same, since 25dec==31oct. We would prefer to actually show it. We are usually hired by IT grunts, not suits.
I have a blog and it's really not enterprisey , but it shows (I think) that I know about this. Should it be linked?
We have no physical offices. Legally we do, but really, we operate out of each partner's homes, on two different provinces. So, no pictures of our corporation's digs available ;-)
We are sort of a startup, but more like a formalization of a way of working that has been going on for a while.
Ideas, suggestions, are welcome.
Of course, questions about our services are welcome, too ;-)
I'm 20 years old, and I have never had a job nor know much about enterprises, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
I think, from what you say about your company, that the best you can do is have a rather simple site, with information on the services you provide. Also, I think it's better if they (future clients) don't have this "relaxed" first impression from you. I wouldn't link your blog, and I'd certainly provide contact information. Even if you don't use any physical office, it's a good thing to show some address or at least specify a neighbourhood, so they can see you're real, and not some kind of ghost :)
As I said, take it with a grain of salt...
Sounds cool, but if you're marketing yourself to enterprises, your website should be fluffy and brain dead, and it should subtly imply that you are good at kickbacks, dick sucking, and producing mountains of paperwork to cover the asses of those who hire you.