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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Windows is *HARD*

I am on va­ca­tio­n, by the sea. So, I do­n't ha­ve my usual in­ter­net con­nec­ti­vi­ty. I de­ci­ded to buy a 3G mo­dem and de­ci­ded pu­re­ly ba­sed on pri­ce, en­ding up wi­th a ZTE mo­dem pro­vi­ded by Cla­ro.

On Win­do­ws, it wo­rks we­ll enou­gh:

  1. Plug it in

  2. Get the au­­to­s­­tart wi­n­­dow

  3. Start the in­s­­ta­­ller

  4. Cli­­ck Next a few ti­­mes

  5. Re­­boot

  6. Start the client to co­n­­nect

  7. Cli­­ck on the "wor­l­­d" icon

  8. Wait a li­­ttle

  9. In­­te­r­­ne­­t!

I tried it on win­do­ws first be­cau­se I as­su­med it would wo­rk on my wi­fe's com­pu­te­r, and I could do an ad-hoc wi­fi ne­two­rk so I could con­nect mi­ne. We­ll, no.

So I tried it on Ubun­tu. It does wo­rk too:

  1. Plug it in

  2. Say I am in Ar­­gen­­ti­­na

  3. Say it's a Cla­­ro 3G se­r­­vi­­ce

  4. Go to Ne­­two­­­rk In­­di­­ca­­tor

  5. Cli­­ck on "Cla­­ro 3G"

  6. Wait a li­­ttle

  7. In­­te­r­­ne­­t!

And ye­s, I can do an ad-hoc con­nec­tion and pro­vi­de ser­vi­ce to eve­r­yo­ne el­se. Plus I do­n't ha­ve an un­clo­sa­ble win­dow la­ying around all the ti­me.

Shulai / 2012-12-28 02:15:

Try it again, in 64 bits Windows. If it's the same model I have at work, you'll find Windows is *very* hard.

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