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Tran (Janissaries, #2-3)

Cover for Tran (Janissaries, #2-3)


Pulpy just like Janis­saries, the 1st one in the se­ries. And then I read these (it's an om­nibus with the sec­ond and third books in the se­ries) and it turns out there's a mas­sive 4th book that has been post­poned al­most 20 years. So... boo.

I un­der­stand *why* Pour­nelle has not fin­ished it, it's just that I hate un­fin­ished se­ries, and this is not ex­act­ly ASOIAF ... Pour­nelle has been crazy pro­l­li­fic, he just nev­er fin­ished writ­ing this one book to close the se­ries.

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