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The House of Rumour

Cover for The House of Rumour


You may won­der (not re­al­ly) why it took me years to fin­ish read­ing this book. The an­swer is, of course, that it did­n't, but that Kobo had sold it to me, I start­ed read­ing it, and then they took it away be­cause of bull­shit rea­son­s, so I restart­ed it once I found it on Kin­dle Un­lim­it­ed.

Now, about the book: it's quite awe­some. The au­thor brings an en­cy­clo­pe­dic knowl­edge of ran­dom triv­ia and or­ga­nizes it in­to a co­her­ent tale cov­er­ing some 50 years. I am not sure what the point of the sto­ry ac­tu­al­ly is but it's very in­ter­est­ing and quite a bit of fun to read.

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