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The Beauty and Horror of Crystal Shards

I have been us­ing a lot of Crys­tal for per­son­al projects for about a year. Think of it like "na­tive Ru­by with type in­fer­ence" or some­thing like that.

But this post is not about the lan­guage it­self, it's about one part of its ecosys­tem: the shard­s.

The Nice

Shards are like Ru­by gem­s, or like what­ev­er go calls them nowa­days, or rust crates, just "li­braries" that are writ­ten most­ly in crys­tal.

The thing is ... they are awe­some!

Suppose you want to use markdown in your app. You go to which crawls GitHub and finds things written in Crystal. You search for markdown and you find a few that look good. Suppose you want to use my cr-discount shard.

You just add the shard to your shard.yml and use it, like this:

    github: ralsina/cr-discount

Then in your code:

require "cr-discount"

markdown = "This *is* **markdown**"
html = Discount.compile(markdown)

And that's it, you just in­te­grat­ed it in­to your build, your code is us­ing it, and that's all there is to it.

But not on­ly that, sup­pose you are us­ing a shard like docr but you find a tiny bug or two. You fork it, fix the bugs and cre­ate a PR. If the au­thor is ac­tive, they will merge it, and you can go back to us­ing the shard, but even if they aren't ... you can just use your fork in the mean­time.

Just use ralsina/docr instead of marghidanu/docr in your shard.yml and you are using my fix.

And there's more! Sup­pose you find some code in your projects that you keep re­peat­ing. For ex­am­ple, I al­ways use the same log­ging set­up in CLI app­s:

  • Col­or­ful if it makes sense
  • Con­fig­urable ver­bosi­ty
  • Er­rors and worse in stderr
  • In­fo and bet­ter in std­out

So, why copy that ev­ery­where? Just make it a tiny shard.

There is no overhead in your code, you don't have to ask users to install anything, you just add it to your shard.yml and it's there for everyone that cares.

The Not So Nice

Of course noth­ing is free of cost.

  • Be­cause it's easy to cre­ate shard­s, it's easy to aban­don shard­s.
  • Be­cause it's easy to fork shard­s, it's easy to at­om­ize the ecosys­tem.
  • Be­cause it's easy to find shards and it's de­cen­tral­ized, it's triv­ial to poi­son the sup­ply chain (although TBH it seems to be easy enough in any lan­guage).

So, you have to be care­ful. You have to check if the shard is main­tained, if it's the best one for the job, if you fork it you need to com­mit to keep­ing your fork work­ing, you al­ways need to push the PR even if the au­thor does­n't pick it up be­cause it's there for oth­er user­s.

So, con­clu­sion­s... they are what they are. For me they are the most prac­ti­cal thing ev­er and I of­ten wish Python had some­thing like them, but they are al­so quite ... scary? And see­ing the aban­doned shards makes me sad for a lan­guage that should be much more pop­u­lar than it is.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina