Pet Server (September 2022 update)
This is a longer-term update on the state of my home server. You can read more about it in these 1 2 3 4 posts.
What's the hardware nowadays?
- Radxa Zero: 4-core 4GB RAM, 32GB eMMC
- 2 1TB HDD over USB
- 100Mbps ethernet wired connection to the router
And ... so far, it's more than enough. No strain :-)
What is it running?
- Tailscale for VPN so I can access it from everywhere
- A number of dockerized services
- Home assistant To give me an API for home automation stuff
- Ignite for VMs
- webfsd for static sites
Also backups via restic and other random things. I have a separate octoprint server but I may move it here.
Really, it runs all that?
Yeah, and it works just fine. Of course this is mostly because I am the only real user, but hey, it works.
Anything else you would want to run?
- Maybe some sort of push notification thingie so I can notify my phone if there's a problem
- Maybe grafana? But don't care enough yet.
Was it worth it?
I could run all this on clouds, but the hardware I am using would cost maybe 100 dollars, and monthly fees for services will quickly reach that amount and surpass it. I am already paying for the bandwidth anyway.
OTOH I have spent maybe 50 or 60 hours setting this up and if I look at my hourly rates ... ick.
Anything weird?
I really don't understand other people's homelabs, they seem wildly overpowered.