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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

No Comments

This site no longer has com­ments. It has had some sort of com­ment sys­tem in place for over 20 years, but:

  1. No­body com­ments any­more
  2. When peo­ple want to com­men­t, they ac­tu­al­ly do it else­where (twit­ter/red­dit/what­ev­er)
  3. The few com­ments that get post­ed are 50% ag­gres­sive garbage or spam

No, I have not delet­ed your com­ments. I port­ed them all from Dis­qus in­to stat­ic com­ments us­ing a Niko­la Script which you can read here if for some rea­son you want to.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina