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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Next Time You See a Movie, Remember This

Last ni­ght they we­re pla­ying "X-­Men: First cla­ss" on TV, and I on­ce again saw this:

Vi­lla Ge­se­ll se­gún Ho­ll­ywood.

And of cour­se, the­re are a few de­tails wrong wi­th that pic­tu­re:

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No­ti­ce any di­ffe­ren­ce­s?

So, alwa­ys re­mem­be­r: mo­vies lie to you about eve­r­y­thin­g, even if the­re's no nee­d, be­cau­se they are en­ter­tain­men­t.

lucio / 2012-12-04 14:45:

with and i could try attacking the demostration. But not the argument really :)

Roberto Alsina / 2012-12-04 14:48:

En ese mapa se ve clarito la montaña! En Villa Gesell falta un mar de un lado, y falta un lago y una montaña del otro :-)

Jake / 2013-01-09 20:08:

Happy end is, when the movie is too short.

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