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Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen (Vorkosigan Saga, #16)

Cover for Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen (Vorkosigan Saga, #16)


It's a Vorkosi­gan book by Lois Mc­Mas­ter Bu­jold, so you know what you are go­ing to get:

* Puns
* Gen­tle prose
* Some jokes
* A sto­ry where the en­e­mies are or­ga­ni­za­tion­al and lo­gis­tic chal­lenges in a peace­ful en­vi­ron­men­t.

Ok, that last one is most­ly the case with the re­cent Vorkosi­gan book­s. Long gone are the in­ter­stel­lar in­trigues and space­ships fight­ing wach oth­er. Now? Our pro­tag­o­nists are faced with the fol­low­ing ques­tion­s:

¿What do I do with all this con­crete mix­er?

¿Should I ask her out, or is it go­ing to be weird be­cause she is the wid­ow of my ex-lover we use to have three­somes with and we are hav­ing com­pli­cat­ed 3-­par­ent ba­bies and tech­ni­cal­ly the re­gent of the plan­et where I am the top mil­i­tary au­thor­i­ty?

You know, that sort of book.

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