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Captain Vorpatril's Alliance (Vorkosigan Saga, #15)

Cover for Captain Vorpatril's Alliance (Vorkosigan Saga, #15)


Re­mem­ber when the Vorkosi­gan books were about some­one hav­ing an ad­ven­ture, and char­ac­ters do­ing in­ter­est­ing things?

Well, that was then. Now these books tend to be more about the char­ac­ters re­mem­ber­ing pre­vi­ous ad­ven­tures, and run­ning in­to char­ac­ters that did in­ter­est­ing things in oth­er book­s.

Fi­nal­ly around the 60% mark, a sort of plot is put in mo­tion, and some things hap­pen. But the stakes seem low, the risk seems lit­tle.

I adore the Vorkosi­gan se­ries, but this book is not good.

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