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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Big news in my life

Rosario is preg­nan­t. Yipee! :-)

She is now about 6 weeks preg­nan­t, and all three of us are do­ing fine (but she's hav­ing bad morn­ing nau­se­a... should go away in an­oth­er 6 week­s... but that does­n't seem to be any help ;-)

The first echog­ra­phy is sched­uled for Sep­t. 15, ex­pect pic­tures of the tiny bean-­like alien in­vad­er.

It's the first grand­kid on her side of her fam­i­ly, so it's be­ing pre­emp­tive­ly spoiled by all her/his/its aunts/­grand­par­ents/what­ev­er. Our house is be­ing pre­pared for a flood­ing of knit­ted out­fits and re­dun­dant child­ware by strength­en­ing the floor­board­s.

I am quite at a loss for word­s, and have not been use­ful for al­most any­thing for the last two weeks since we found out­... I am to­tal­ly spas­tic with hap­pi­ness.

On oth­er news, I was just start­ing to work on pre­par­ing my stu­dio... which will now be made the child's bed­room. Do I care? No! It's just an ex­cuse to ac­tu­al­ly build the of­fice in the roof I want­ed all along (so I can work with my cat­s, too :-), so ev­ery­body win­s.

Tom Regner / 2006-08-31 16:40:

A heartfelt congratulation to you and your family - nothing changes your life more than that.

Thiago Macieira / 2006-08-31 22:34:


Lucas Di Pentima / 2006-09-04 18:32:

Congratulations Roberto and Rosario! :-)

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