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Linux and a TrendNet TEW-PC16

So, I am try­ing to use this an­cient card with Lin­ux and all I get when I plug it is a mes­sage in the logs:

Aug  3 13:11:28 monty cardmgr[12752]: unsupported card in socket 0
Aug  3 13:11:28 monty cardmgr[12752]:   product info: "PCMCIA", "11M WLAN Card", "", ""
Aug  3 13:11:28 monty cardmgr[12752]:   manfid: 0x0274, 0x1601  function: 6 (network)
Aug  3 13:11:44 monty cardmgr[12752]: exiting

A lit­tle dig­ging showed me the fol­low­ing:

  1. This card is sup­­posed to work with the hostap driv­er

  2. It has nev­er been a pop­u­lar card.

  3. Noone seems to have used the thing on Lin­ux. Or if they did, they nev­er doc­u­­men­t­ed it.

So... all you have to do is in­form the PCM­CIA thing in Lin­ux that this card works with hostap.

After you installed hostap correctly for your kernel, edit /etc/pcmcia/hostap_cs.conf and add this:

card "TrendNet TEW PC16"
   manfid 0x0274, 0x1601
   bind "hostap_cs"

Re­boot (or restart the pcm­cia ser­vice, un­plug, plug, etc), and that's it.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina