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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Impudent abuse of copy&paste

I of­ten check on the com­ments for the longer ar­ti­cles I write.

Since most of those are of a tech­ni­cal na­ture of­ten I find some­one post­ing a ques­tion, even years af­ter the ar­ti­cle was post­ed (thank google for that), and I like to an­swer them.

So, I check on my Lin­ux Boot­ing Process Un­veiled ar­ti­cle, and I find this:

This ar­ti­cle is post­ed on this site as well, and in its en­tire­ty:

http://www.­sec­­ux­boot.php post­ed by Joshua Pur­cell at 2005-03-14 16:14:41.492867-06

And guess what? It is! Thanks Joshua!

Ok, it's not just a copy. For in­stance, he re­moved the joke at the be­gin­ning, and man­aged to mis­spell init­tab in a ti­tle (as IN­NITAB).

I am not against copy­ing con­tent from my site. In fac­t, it says right here at the right side that you can. As long as you do the fol­low­ing:

  • Keep my name on it

  • If you change con­­tents, clear­­ly say so

  • Link back at me.

These guys at Sec­tion 6, specif­i­cal­ly TBo­nius de­cid­ed to do the fol­low­ing:

  • Re­­place my name with his alias. They even say all their con­­tent is (c) no­­body. Well, not quite al­l, guys!.

  • Ed­it and not mark it

  • Not link back

I would con­tact them ex­cept that:

  • They pro­­vide no easy way to do so

  • This does­n't look like a hon­est mis­­­take (like some vi­et­­namese site did), be­­cause of the ed­it­ing.

So... what­ev­er dudes. I can write ar­ti­cles like this in a cou­ple of hours, while hang­over. Nice that you find it worth steal­ing (bad­ly) down to the foot­notes!. But hey, that's just lame. Or, as you may un­der­stand bet­ter:

Sec­tion6 1z 7h3 5ux0rz!

Scott Wheeler / 2006-04-03 16:16:

philemon: /home/scott> whois


Administrative, Technical Contact:

Zentner, Kristopher

Section6 Networks

8935 160TH AVE NE APT A206

Redmond, WA 98052



Roberto Alsina / 2006-04-03 16:17:

Must be something in the water.

Scott Wheeler / 2006-04-03 16:18:

Well, more specifically -- there's an email address -- you said you weren't sure how to contact them.

Roberto Alsina / 2006-04-03 16:18:

Oh, yeah. Hadn't noticed. You see, I replied at 4AM :-)

Will email him.

David Guaraglia / 2006-04-03 16:35:

lmao! just loved the last remark (7h3 5ux0rz!).

keep the good work

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