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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

KFTE on SourceForge

I just re­mem­bered that in sep­tem­ber 2000 I had cre­at­ed a KFTE project on

So, I go check it and... yup, still open. Noone has even looked at the page since cre­ation, no files, CVS, fo­rum, mail or any oth­er kind of ac­tiv­i­ty since the cre­ation of the pro­jec­t, but it is still open.

No won­der Source­Forge has such an amaz­ing num­ber of projects reg­is­tered! ;-)

But any­way, I up­load­ed re­lease 0.7.0 here: http://­source­­ject­s/k­fte/

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina