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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Reason #9751 not to use sendmail

If you map a do­main (x.­com) to a sin­gle ac­count (xuser) and then send a mes­sage to a@x.­com, BCC to b@x.­com, on­ly one copy is de­liv­ered to xuser's mail­box.

There­fore, it's im­pos­si­ble to im­ple­ment a cor­rect mul­tidrop ac­count in send­mail that you can lat­er pick­up us­ing fetch­mail or sim­i­lar soft­ware.

Lucas Di Pentima / 2006-04-03 11:29:

Hi Roberto! it's a long time eh?

Well, what you wrote it's not entirely true...I'm an ex-sendmail fan :-D (go postfix!!) and I've used sendmail for multidrop and be able to overcome this problem.

In /etc/mail/virtusertable you have to make the "catch-all" entry like this: xuser+%1

Then, if you use fetchmail to download the emails you should add this parameter to it:

-E X-Envelope-To

And that's all!

Nevertheless...Postfix is *great*, don't use sendmail!! :-D

Roberto Alsina / 2006-04-03 11:30:

Reason #9752 not tu use sendmail: it's weird ;-)

Ok, I didn't know that :-)

Now, where the hell is that documented????

From what I found on google, wouldn't that deliver to xuser-a and xuser-b instead?

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