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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Would a sock suck if a sock could suck?

Clee: it's re­al­ly quite sim­ple, IMVHO.

If the goal of plan­etkde is to syn­di­cate blogs about KDE, then you should on­ly ag­gre­gate feeds that are about KDE. The god­dess knows mine is­n't, ex­cept oc­casi­nal­ly (y­ou should use this one in­stead (it is bor­ing and emp­ty, though).

How­ev­er, if the goal of plan­etkde is to syn­di­cate the blogs of kde-re­lat­ed peo­ple, then you just ag­gre­gate them (with the agree­ment of the blog­ger) and that's that.

If some­one posts some­thing strange or sad or what­ev­er, the oth­ers can post replies, en­cour­age­ments, what­ev­er, and life goes on.

Since it's your site, you are the one that choos­es. I would pre­fer the sec­ond ap­proach, though.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina