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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Ok, I always preferred Mindi anyway!

Found this here.

Nice stuff about the Mork file for­mat Mozil­la is us­ing for some stuff. Nice if you like pain, that is.

Here's JWZ's orig­i­nal blog spe­cial­ly read the com­ments.

Here's the as­so­ci­at­ed bugzil­la en­try.

Just be­cause I'm whim­si­cal, Min­di is a Lin­ux dis­tri­bu­tion, used by Mon­do.

And just be­cause I am a free soft­ware guy:

I have no idea what Kon­queror does about its his­to­ry file, but it seems Mozil­la is now stor­ing mail in Mork for­mat? That's gonna hurt if you ev­er want to im­port it from some oth­er ap­p!

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina