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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Screenshot of Notty today

Since I up­load­ed Not­ty to Source­forge (get it from CVS), I thought it would be nice to show what it looks like nowa­days.

So here's a screen­shot. If that link does­n't work, try this one.

It is most­ly a work­ing ap­p, al­though still pret­ty ba­sic. You can use it, you can cre­ate notes, you can even ex­port them to HTML (work­ing fair­ly well, ex­cept for links to oth­er notes, which don't get fixed).

I am even us­ing it to doc­u­ment it­self (see doc­s/help.not­ty in the sources, it's a not­ty file)

Spe­cial­ly nice is Sil­verci­ty's code-block di­rec­tive, which you can see used in the screen­shot (look at the yel­low frag­men­t).

I'd say it is right now a pret­ty de­cent doc­u­men­ta­tion writ­ing tool, al­though the ed­i­tor com­po­nent is too fea­ture­less.

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