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reStructuredText has ONE problem

I can't find any ed­i­tor (out­side of emac­s) that has a mode for it. And it needs a mode ;-)

In fac­t, be­cause of the way it's marked, it seems a mode for scin­til­la or kate sim­ply can't be done.

The prob­lem is that, in or­der to un­der­stand what a para­graph is, you need to see the end of it, some­times (for ex­am­ple, head­ings)

So, since most high­light parsers switch when they trip on­to some­thing (say, a quote), it does­n't work.

I could, I sup­pose, do high­light­ing us­ing some­thing more evil, like de­tect­ing when the us­er ends a para­graph to set the para­graph's style, in ad­di­tion to the usu­al stuff, but it seems pret­ty hard to get right.

pete / 2006-04-03 05:40:

It may be possible to create a reStructuredText mode that jEdit could use... It currently comes with 100+ modes, but reStructuredText isn't one of them.

Roberto Alsina / 2006-04-03 05:41:

Well, someone who is not allergic to Java may have to take a look :-)

phone number lookup / 2011-12-03 22:41:

this is really interesting viewpoint on the subject i might add

employment background check / 2011-12-27 23:33:

Well, the write-up is truly the freshest on this laudable topic. 

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