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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

SCO just tried to hire me!

Ok, not SCO, but Exo Train­ing.

You see, I teach Lin­ux cour­ses for a cou­ple of com­pa­nies (steady job, bad pay, but steady, you meet peo­ple), and we use the Exo Train­ing fa­cil­i­ties.

Well, one of the guys there con­tact­ed me to see if I was ca­pa­ble of teach­ing the SCO cour­ses.

I said no, of course, but hel­l, does­n't it sur­prise any­one that there are still such things as:

  • SCO LIN­UX Sys­tem Ad­min­is­­tra­­tion

  • SCO LIN­UX Net­­work In­­fra­struc­­ture

  • SCO LIN­UX Net­­work Ser­vices

  • SCO LIN­UX En­ter­prise Ad­min­is­­tra­­tion

  • SCO LIN­UX En­ter­prise Se­cu­ri­­ty

And these are of­fered right now!

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina