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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Two neat projects I didn't knew existed

  • Mon­keyStu­­dio is a rather neat Qt4 IDE.

  • Kat­a­pult is a pret­­ty launch­er (but I won­der if it could dis­­­play more than one match as I type­­?).

I will try to write more de­tailed re­views in my co­pi­ous free time

kwilliam / 2007-04-25 20:13:

Katapult is more than a launcher! Try typing in 1+1 (it does math) or start Amarok and try typing the name of a song. (You can open the configuraiton for Katapult by pressing Ctrl+C.)

Unfortunately, I don't think it displays more than one match at a time. That, and the ability to suggest things by how frequently I use them (rather than alphabetically) are my two biggest wishes.

Katapult is one of my favorite KDE applications, closely followed by Yakuake and Amarok.

Roberto Alsina / 2007-04-25 20:30:

About 1+1: so does the default launcher ;-)

I consider the amarok thing like "launching a song" sort of.

But yeah, pretty cool thing!

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