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Dear Dr. Sheldon Cooper...

This post is a jo­ke.

Dr. Co­ope­r, I ho­pe this le­tter fi­ds you in good heal­th. I could­n't avoid overhea­ring you ta­lk wi­th Dr. Ho­fs­ta­dter on our buil­din­g's stair­ca­se the other da­y.

I am speaking about when you mu­s­ed about how li­fe would be if peo­ple evol­ved from rep­ti­le­s. I am so di­sappointed in you.

Firs­t, you men­tion that li­zar­ds are col­d-­bloode­d. Whi­ch is true. And that when it's cold they get slo­we­r. Whi­ch is al­so true. But then you sa­yd so­me­thing like "the wea­ther­li­zard would say 'i­t's slow ou­tsi­de' ins­tead of 'i­t's col­d'".

PO­PP­Y­CO­CK Dr. Co­ope­r! If the li­zard is slow be­cau­se it's col­d, it would per­cei­ve eve­r­y­thing out the­re as fast, not slo­w, just like slow cars see fas­ter cars as, you kno­w... fast?

Al­so, the men­tion about su­gges­ting the li­zard should wear a swea­ter is a slap on the fa­ce of ph­y­si­cs. Swea­ters are an in­su­la­to­r, not an ener­gy sour­ce. What makes the in­si­de of the swea­ter warm is the hu­man, Dr. Col­d-­blooded li­zar­ds would ha­ve no su­ch effect be­yond the tiny ther­mal iner­tia su­ch an im­per­fect wool in­su­la­tor would allo­w.

If you are in­te­res­ted on fur­ther ar­gu­ment in hu­man-­like rep­ti­le ci­vi­li­za­tion and fo­lk­lo­re I wi­ll be ha­ppy to in­dul­ge, but I must say I ex­pec­ted be­tter of you.

Mr­s. Var­ta­be­dian.

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