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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Advogato post for 2000-08-04 15:57:29

Ok, so I am finally in Rosario for the Jornada Linux!

There is, they say, 1700 peo­ple signed in. To­day, since it 's a work­ing day, on­ly about 400 are here.

The Corel peo­ple are show­ing their in­stal, with, let's say, less than stel­lar re­sults (as in 1 hour in­to the de­mo and still no in­stal­l).

Checked the place where I am su­posed to give my talk about KDE2 to­mor­row... it a damn sta­di­um. 400 peo­ple can fit there. Now I'm scared :-)

Checked in­to a lit­tle ho­tel called Colo­nial, just 5 blocks away from the con­fer­ence... nice, cheap, clean. No el­e­va­tor, though, and I car­ry the biggest, heav­i­est bag you can imag­ine (it con­tains clothes for three days, man's kit (shav­ing/etc), and a full tow­er sys­tem :-)

Met with some of the guys I know, César from LU­CAS, a cou­ple guys from LUGLI, a la­dy from the MAG­IC (that a min­is­tery :-)

In an hour or so, I will at­tend César's talk about i18n. Should be in­ter­est­ing.

And no, I have not met RMS yet, be­cause he will ar­rive to­mor­row (even af­ter I gave my talk, so he will not be there ;-)

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