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Advogato post for 2000-08-02 14:06:01

Wow, I'm tired :-P

Gave a "lec­ture" last night at the UP (U­ni­ver­si­dad de Paler­mo), the usu­al "In­tro­duc­tion to Lin­ux" one.

Things were not as smooth as one would wan­t, though.

First, I broke kp­re­sen­ter, and (dum­b) had no starof­fice ver­sion of the slides. I could have rewrit­ten them right there... if I had a mon­i­tor!

Then we got there, and in­stead of the usu­al lar­gish class­room, there we were, in a freak­ing the­ater :-)

We were moved, be­cause the signed-in ex­ceed­ed the class­room's ca­pac­i­ty! So: 160 seat­s. Stage. Podi­um. Manda­to­ry mic. 80 peo­ple in at­ten­dance (give or take 10).

And the com­put­er lodged in a pro­jec­tion room, 20 me­ters away from me, and one floor high­er!

So, I would­n't have been able to con­trol the slides any­way, be­cause this place needs two to make the speech/s­lide thing work right.

The ac­tu­al speak­ing was not too bad, I think, al­though with­out the help of the slides I tend to get more dis­or­ga­nized. I for­got to men­tion a cou­ple of things, too.

And since the com­put­er was un­us­able, I could not show the sys­tem in ac­tion, so it turned out to be some 15 min­utes short­er than ex­pect­ed.

The ques­tions sec­tion was ok-ish. Not too long, but those who asked seemed clue­ful, and the ques­tions were fair­ly in­ter­est­ing.

One fun­ny thing: ap­par­ent­ly some as­sist­ed be­cause they be­lieved it was about some­thing else. Al­most noone left, though, and one of the or­ga­niz­ers said some­one said "I want­ed some­thing else, but now I know what lin­ux is" ;-)

Great Grandson / 2011-03-17 09:36:

here is something else:Shipping a car to Argentina

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