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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Advogato post for 2000-07-19 17:45:35

We had a "work breakfast" today with some 60 people where we presented our "corporate solutions". Now, am I becoming a droid?

It went well, I was even, ac­cord­ing to what I was told by peo­ple watch­ing, fair­ly good at it my­self (or maybe I in­spire kind­ness from strangers ;-)

In­ter­est was var­ied, and ev­ery one of us who spoke made at least one mis­take with our slides.

Ad­vice: I know it looks bet­ter if the bul­let items ap­pear each one with an ef­fect at your com­mand, it makes the thing more in­ter­est­ing... but it makes it hell if you by chance hap­pen to drop off the pre­sen­ta­tion, be­cause get­ting back to where you were takes min­utes :-)

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