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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Advogato post for 2000-04-17 18:11:54

Hey, I have a chair now! My appartment is so empty it's a bit sad to look at. Thankfully, it has a decent view, so I can look out :-)

I still have no per­ma­nent in­ter­net con­nec­tion, but at least I con­fig­ured mas­querad­ing, so we squeeze as much as pos­si­ble through the mo­dem.

Soledad (a girl who works here) men­tioned to­day is saint Rober­to, so it's my ono­mas­tic (I doubt that's a word in en­glish). A cen­tu­ry ago, a per­son could choose to cel­e­brate it in­stead of his birth­day (although very of­ten they were the same day, just ask my dad, who's called Teodoro for that rea­son).

I am mak­ing good progress in my an­gry face for the sub­way. I can now al­so pre­tend to sleep, as I no­ticed some peo­ple do, but it's bor­ing, so I'd rather read the news­pa­per.

Oth­er than that, I got a few patch­es for KRN, which is very cool, I re­al­ly must work in it, but with­out in­ter­net it's al­most im­pos­si­ble.

I need to buy fur­ni­ture. Lots of it. A fu­ton at least. And dish­es. I have on­ly one. And a pot. I have on­ly a fry­ing pan. It kin­da ru­ins my cook­ing skills :-)

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