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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Advogato post for 2000-02-09 01:46:16

I took a couple of days off programming, and today I got back into it. I am doing some nifty stuff with mrtg. It's amazing how many different things you can graph with some thought. Today I added "number of requests off the web proxy" and "mails processed by qmail (incoming and outgoing separate)". Quite nifty to find unusual situations.

On the free soft­ware side of things, KRN is right now in a shape that would make it a cred­i­ble 0.6.10, but I think I will add some ex­tra things.

The find ar­ti­cle di­a­log is done, and ar­ti­cle thread­ing is now as close to per­fect as I can un­der­stand, so that's two things less to care about.

I am start­ing to write a short es­say, that I may pro­pose to pub­lish in ad­voga­to. It's a bit in­flam­ma­to­ry, but in a good way.

Anx­ious­ly wait­ing news from the Brazil job. My pe­ti­tion was sup­posed to be read to­day, so I may have news to­mor­row...

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